
Brazil shopping malls

Brazil The 2015 report of the shopping center industry in Latin America, prepared by the ICSC's Market Intelligence Group, shows that Brazil is the country with the largest number of inhabitants, 201 million people, an aspect that influences the commercial density . In 2013, it was the country that received the largest foreign direct investment, about $ 64 is Best property investment in Lahore . It has a 0.84 index of education, representing the second highest in the region; however, it has the highest coefficient of inequality of 0.54. With regard to Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) to 2014, real GDP per capita is $ 12,523. The study also notes that Brazil is the second country with more shopping centers, 511, which total 13.5 million m2 of profitable space, with an urban commercial ratio of 7.8 m2 per 100 inhabitants, the second lowest of the countries. The average size of its shopping centers is approximately 26,000 square meters. According to reports of MC15 Co...

america have expanded their commercial area

Invest millions to add square meters In the last year many shopping centers that were already in operation in Latin America have expanded their commercial area. The historic Mexican complex Mundo E , owned by Grupo Frisa , went from 58,400 square meters to 128,700 square meters of commercial area . The group invested ten million dollars in its expansion. The Megacenter Kennedy complex, owned by Falabella , will carry out improvements and modernization of its five floors with an investment of 55 million dollars . The shopping center, located in Santiago de Chile, will complete its expansion between the end of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019. The shopping center Shopping del Sol also added more square meters this year, with an investment of forty million dollars . The complex located in Asunción happened to have 21,000 square meters. Recently, Shopping Mariscal, also located in Asuncion, completed a remodeling worth 40 million dollars . Likewise, the sector has been strengthe...

The business of shopping centers in Colombia has generated sales for $ 7.3 million

Colombia was another of the markets that this year received numerous real estate investments. In the last section of 2016, they opened Viva Barranquilla , Parque La Colina , Antares , Unicentro Bogotá and Plaza Central , most of them located in the capital. The shopping center industry in the country has grown by 16% and generated sales of 21.9 billion Colombian pesos ($ 7.3 million). For the next two years provides for the implementation of fifty more . In South America, the shopping center business has three major operators: Cencosud , Parque Arauco and Falabella .here is Best investment opportunity in Lahore . The three Chilean companies have a total of 56 shopping centers, both in their local market and in Argentina, Peru and Colombia, mainly. The Peruvian Real Plaza is also another great operator in the region that this year expanded its portfolio of shopping centers. The group launched its complex number twenty in early December with the opening of a shopping center in Vi...

largest shopping malls

Miyana, from Gigante Grupo Inmobiliario, has become the largest complex in Mexico with 522,000 square meters In 2015, only 25 new shopping centers were set up in Mexico. This year, groups like Gicsa , Mexico Retail Properties and Thor Urbana made millionaire investments for the construction of new complexes in the country. City Park León has already launched with an investment of 400 million dollars in the city of Leon. Mexico Retail Properties ( MRP ) is behind the complex, which will open in mid-2019. Thor Urbana , another giant in the sector, has allocated 215 million dollars to open two macrocomplexes in the cities of San Luis Potosí and Torreón . Last November, the largest shopping center in Mexico opened . Gigante Grupo Inmobiliario invested 190 million dollars in the start-up of the Miyana complex in the country's capital, with a commercial area of 522,000 square meters. Also in the penultimate month of the year began to operate Forum Cuernavaca , property of Grupo Gi...

2016, the year of the boom of shopping centers in Latin America

The shopping center boom is still unstoppable in Latin America. This business that began to take shape in the eighties, consolidates year after year in all the countries of the region. From Mexico to Argentina, through Panama and Bolivia, Latin America is one of the territories with the largest number of shopping centers in the world. The shopping center business was born in the 1960s in Brazil with the first mall in the region and incorporated Bolivia in 2013. Latin America now has more than 1,800 complexes and the number seems to be is Commercial Shops for Sale in gulberg Lahore . Operators like Gicsa , Parque Arauco and Cencosud plan to open new shopping centers in the region for the next few years. As reported by retail specialist Jorge Lizan in an exclusive interview with Modaes , "in Latin America there is no market saturation, but great growth opportunities, although there are no levels of investment in the Middle East, for example." The direct...

Chile is the fifth country with the most shopping centers in Latin America

CANCUN - Chile is in fifth place in Latin America where there are more shopping centers, according to a study published by Forbes. Of the total of 1,800 shopping centers that exist in the entire region, 79 are in our country. The list is led by Mexico with 584. This figure was revealed in the Convention of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) RECon Latin America 2015, by the real estate MAC Arquitectos. During the presentation, Cristina Vigoya, director of Marca Táctica and Juan Ignacio Rodríguez, director of planning, explained that the growing middle class, GDP per capita level and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are the main qualities that developers evaluate to install new centers. In the same exhibition, they projected that by 2025, Chile would reach 90 shopping centers, being surpassed by Peru, which currently has 71 stores, with 320. As for the number of square meters of profitable space, Chile ranked second in the list, behind Mexico (16.2 million m2). Coun...


SOUTH AMERICA'S LARGEST SHOPPING CENTER ANNOUNCED: 70 MILLION VISITORS Buenos Aires, Argentina .- It will be called a thousand columns and was "sold" to the media as the largest mega mall in South America. It involves an investment of almost 100 million dollars for infrastructure, access, bus terminal, technology and the construction of 20 thousand premises! of different dimensions. Teads In a 100-hectare site near La Salada (the largest trade fair in Argentina), it will be built, which promises, will be the largest shopping center in South America. The project will be made in lands belonging to the Central Market of Buenos Aires and that were granted for 40 years to the group Sociedad Plaza Mil Columnas, author of the initiative. The company announced more than 400 million dollars in the development of a wholesale shopping center in the party of La Matanza (Province of Buenos Aires).here is Shops for sale in Gulberg Lahore is available. The center will have th...